The main idea behind my short film is that people should be treated fairly and should treat people how they would like to be treated.
The topic of my short film is abuse towards men. I want to raise the awareness of abuse towards men and remind people that it happens more than they think.
My thought process is if abuse towards women is so frowned upon and is taken as a serious matter, why isn't abuse towards men?
Also, when the male gets abused, it degrades their persona which leads to them keeping it a secret. This is a problem. They often find themselves is a situation where they are trapped with no way out, in some cases it may be threats, blackmail and manipulation.
My short film will explore the male side of abuse. You will experience a side of a man that you have not seen before.
In attempt to meet the needs of the brief, i successfully conducted pre-production to create my short film to raise awareness of abuse. The pre production consisted of primary and secondary research. Primary research was used when i was asking people do they take ale abuse seriously. Secondary research was used when i was gaining a strong understanding of male abuse through books, articles, websites and journals.
I highly benefited from using secondary research in my pre-production due to it giving me the most clear understanding of what its like for males to be abused. I also watched previous short films on abuse towards men to gain some foundation what to do for my story line. This helped me a lot because i checked the comments on the short film i watched and saw what the audience thought could of been done better. In my short film, i could take into consideration what the audience thought was bad and what they thought was good, an example of this would to not make the same mistake as the previous short films.
I want the audience to feel the hidden pain of the male. I believe i need to use exaggeration on real life scenarios to grab the audiences attention, to do this i needed to make the worst possible scenario but at the same time make it as realistic as possible so the audience can relate. If the audience can't relate to a film, in other words its to unrealistic, they tend to lose interest whilst watching. What i needed to do is create a situation that the audience will feel horrible if they imagine being in it. The more the audience is engaged to the film, the more they will realize that abuse towards men is just at worse as abuse towards women.
The conflict in my short film will be what raises the idea of how bad abuse towards men is.
The conflict will be between the male and his female partner. The women will be manipulating the man into thinking he has done something wrong, emotions will rush through his body such as fear, guilt and stress. I will try to get across to the audience that a women's actions can heavily affect a man through conflict and then the aftermath. The aftermath will be focused on the man slowly breaking down which is a case that tends to happen. I found this out through researching how men react to psychotic girlfriend.
How will people find out about my short film?
The main source of distribution will be social network. In this generation, i believe that social network plays a big part in societies. Nowadays most people use social networks, advertisement on the social network will be essential and the overall aim is to get people to share the video. The more people share the video, the people will be able to view it. I will also use DVD's as another type of distribution due to because it quite cheap and i can produce a lot of copies. I researched that for £120 you can produce 1000 high quality copies. Furthermore i will advertise around the local area, this would consist of putting eye catching posters around busy parts of the area.
Cost I do not think that the cost will affect the customers decision in purchasing my short film because the price of the copy would take the customer just over week to purchase if they saved 30 pence a day.
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